Frequently Asked Questions

How do I book?
To make a booking, email me with your requirements at [email protected] or use the 'Get in touch' form found here. If you can, please include the date, location and time of your wedding or event and what hire items you require. I will send a quote and anwer any questions, and when you are happy to proceed I will email or post a booking form for you to complete and return along with your deposit.
Is there a deposit to pay?
The deposit for all fully fitted weddings and events is £50. For DIY bookings the deposit is £50 or 50% of the total amount - which ever is lower.
When is the final payment due?
Final payments are to be paid four weeks before your wedding or event date.
What happens if my numbers change?
When you book I will take your estimated numbers. Around 5-6 weeks before your wedding or event I will contact you for your final numbers and send over your final bill. At that point you can add on more covers if needed but if you reduce your numbers I am not able to refund.
How can I pay?
Payment can be made via bank transfer, paypal or cheque.
Can I see samples of the sash colours?
Yes! If you would like samples of any of our sashes please let me know and I will send them to you in the post.